Actions on HyperSDK

How to add a new action to a hypervm

Let's go through the process of adding a new action to a hypervm by implementing a "unstake_validator" action. We need to add functionality to both the core vm code and also include it as part of RPC API so external users can interact with the VM easily.


Since we are going to define our action as part of the VM itself, we need to make changes to the core VM code for nuklaivm.

1. registry/registry.go

Register the new action to our registry

consts.ActionRegistry.Register((&actions.UnstakeValidator{}).GetTypeID(), actions.UnmarshalUnstakeValidator, false),

2. actions/unstake_validator.go

type Action interface {
 // GetTypeID uniquely identifies each supported [Action]. We use IDs to avoid
 // reflection.
 GetTypeID() uint8

 // ValidRange is the timestamp range (in ms) that this [Action] is considered valid.
 // -1 means no start/end
 ValidRange(Rules) (start int64, end int64)

 // MaxComputeUnits is the maximum amount of compute a given [Action] could use. This is
 // used to determine whether the [Action] can be included in a given block and to compute
 // the required fee to execute.
 // Developers should make every effort to bound this as tightly to the actual max so that
 // users don't need to have a large balance to call an [Action] (must prepay fee before execution).
 MaxComputeUnits(Rules) uint64

 // OutputsWarpMessage indicates whether an [Action] will produce a warp message. The max size
 // of any warp message is [MaxOutgoingWarpChunks].
 OutputsWarpMessage() bool

 // StateKeys is a full enumeration of all database keys that could be touched during execution
 // of an [Action]. This is used to prefetch state and will be used to parallelize execution (making
 // an execution tree is trivial).
 // All keys specified must be suffixed with the number of chunks that could ever be read from that
 // key (formatted as a big-endian uint16). This is used to automatically calculate storage usage.
 // If any key is removed and then re-created, this will count as a creation instead of a modification.
 StateKeys(auth Auth, txID ids.ID) []string

 // StateKeysMaxChunks is used to estimate the fee a transaction should pay. It includes the max
 // chunks each state key could use without requiring the state keys to actually be provided (may
 // not be known until execution).
 StateKeysMaxChunks() []uint16

 // Execute actually runs the [Action]. Any state changes that the [Action] performs should
 // be done here.
 // If any keys are touched during [Execute] that are not specified in [StateKeys], the transaction
 // will revert and the max fee will be charged.
 // An error should only be returned if a fatal error was encountered, otherwise [success] should
 // be marked as false and fees will still be charged.
  ctx context.Context,
  r Rules,
  mu state.Mutable,
  timestamp int64,
  auth Auth,
  txID ids.ID,
  warpVerified bool,
 ) (success bool, computeUnits uint64, output []byte, warpMessage *warp.UnsignedMessage, err error)

 // Marshal encodes an [Action] as bytes.
 Marshal(p *codec.Packer)

 // Size is the number of bytes it takes to represent this [Action]. This is used to preallocate
 // memory during encoding and to charge bandwidth fees.
 Size() int
  • Our actions/unstake_validator.go now looks like this:

// Copyright (C) 2024, AllianceBlock. All rights reserved.
// See the file LICENSE for licensing terms.

package actions

import (


 mconsts ""

var _ chain.Action = (*UnstakeValidator)(nil)

type UnstakeValidator struct {
 Stake  ids.ID `json:"stake"`
 NodeID []byte `json:"nodeID"`

func (*UnstakeValidator) GetTypeID() uint8 {
 return mconsts.UnstakeValidatorID

func (u *UnstakeValidator) StateKeys(auth chain.Auth, _ ids.ID) []string {
 return []string{

func (*UnstakeValidator) StateKeysMaxChunks() []uint16 {
 return []uint16{storage.BalanceChunks, storage.StakeChunks}

func (*UnstakeValidator) OutputsWarpMessage() bool {
 return false

func (u *UnstakeValidator) Execute(
 ctx context.Context,
 _ chain.Rules,
 mu state.Mutable,
 _ int64,
 auth chain.Auth,
 _ ids.ID,
 _ bool,
) (bool, uint64, []byte, *warp.UnsignedMessage, error) {
 exists, nodeIDStaked, _, _, owner, err := storage.GetStake(ctx, mu, u.Stake)
 if err != nil {
  return false, UnstakeValidatorComputeUnits, utils.ErrBytes(err), nil, nil
 if !exists {
  return false, UnstakeValidatorComputeUnits, OutputStakeMissing, nil, nil
 if owner != auth.Actor() {
  return false, UnstakeValidatorComputeUnits, OutputUnauthorized, nil, nil
 if !bytes.Equal(nodeIDStaked.Bytes(), u.NodeID) {
  return false, UnstakeValidatorComputeUnits, OutputDifferentNodeIDThanStaked, nil, nil
 return true, UnstakeValidatorComputeUnits, nil, nil, nil

func (*UnstakeValidator) MaxComputeUnits(chain.Rules) uint64 {
 return UnstakeValidatorComputeUnits

func (*UnstakeValidator) Size() int {
 return consts.IDLen

func (u *UnstakeValidator) Marshal(p *codec.Packer) {

func UnmarshalUnstakeValidator(p *codec.Packer, _ *warp.Message) (chain.Action, error) {
 var unstake UnstakeValidator
 p.UnpackID(true, &unstake.Stake)
 p.UnpackBytes(consts.NodeIDLen, false, &unstake.NodeID)
 return &unstake, p.Err()

func (*UnstakeValidator) ValidRange(chain.Rules) (int64, int64) {
 // Returning -1, -1 means that the action is always valid.
 return -1, -1

3. consts/types.go

We need to add a new ID for this new action which we are referencing on actions/unstake_validator.go. We can define this ID on consts/types.go:

UnstakeValidatorID uint8 = 2

4. actions/consts.go

We need to add a new variable called "UnstakeValidatorComputeUnits" that we referenced on actions/unstake_validator.go that defines the compute units it's going to cost the user to perform this action. We can define this on actions/consts.go:

UnstakeValidatorComputeUnits = 5

5. actions/outputs.go

We also need to add some error definitions which were referenced on actions/unstake_validator.go. We can define these on actions/outputs.go:

 OutputStakeMissing              = []byte("stake is missing")
 OutputUnauthorized              = []byte("unauthorized")
 OutputInvalidNodeID             = []byte("invalid node ID")
 OutputDifferentNodeIDThanStaked = []byte("node ID is different than staked")

6. controller/controller.go

The Controller is the entry point of nuklaivm. It initializes the data structures utilized by the hypersdk and handles both Accepted and Rejected block callbacks.

Let's make sure to handle additional logic needed for our unstake validator action.

Under Accepted function right after tx is successful, let's call UnstakeFromValidator from our Emission Balancer so it calculates the staked amount from the validator accordingly.

      case *actions.UnstakeValidator:
    // Check to make sure the unstake is valid
    _, _, stakedAmount, endLockUp, owner, _ := storage.GetStake(ctx, mu, action.Stake)
    if currentHeight > endLockUp {
     if err := c.emission.UnstakeFromValidator(owner, action); err != nil {
      c.inner.Logger().Error("failed to unstake from validator", zap.Error(err))
      // We exit early if it's an error that must never happen
      // Otherwise, we move on because while the stake may be  removed from Emission Balancer,
      // it may not have been removed from the blockchain state yet
      if err == emission.ErrInvalidNodeID {
     // We exit early if the stake cannot be deleted from the state
     if err := storage.DeleteStake(ctx, mu, action.Stake); err != nil {
      c.inner.Logger().Error("failed to delete stake from blockchain state", zap.Error(err))
     // We exit early if the staked amount cannot be added to the user balance
     if err := storage.AddBalance(ctx, mu, owner, stakedAmount, true); err != nil {
      c.inner.Logger().Error("failed to add the staked amount to the user balance", zap.Error(err))

7. controller/metrics.go

We need to add a new metric for our unstake validator action that we referenced on controller/controller.go that defines the number of unstake actions.

type metrics struct {
 unstake prometheus.Counter

func newMetrics(gatherer ametrics.MultiGatherer) (*metrics, error) {
  m := &metrics{
  unstake: prometheus.NewCounter(prometheus.CounterOpts{
   Namespace: "actions",
   Name:      "unstake",
   Help:      "number of unstake actions",

8. emission/emission.go

We now need to define a new function called UnstakeFromValidator that will unstake the NAI tokens from the given validator

func (e *Emission) UnstakeFromValidator(actor codec.Address, action *actions.UnstakeValidator) error {
 defer e.lock.Unlock()

 nodeID, err := ids.ToNodeID(action.NodeID)
 if err != nil {
  return ErrInvalidNodeID // Invalid NodeID

 stakeOwner := codec.MustAddressBech32(consts.HRP, actor)
 validator, ok := e.validators[nodeID]
 if !ok {
  return ErrNotAValidator // Not a validator
 userStake, ok := validator.UserStake[stakeOwner]
 if !ok {
  return ErrUserNotStaked // User is not staked
 stakeInfo, ok := userStake.StakeInfo[action.Stake]
 if !ok {
  return ErrStakeNotFound // Stake not found

 // Reduce the staked amount from the userstake
 userStake.StakedAmount -= stakeInfo.Amount
 // Reduce the staked amount from the validator
 validator.StakedAmount -= stakeInfo.Amount
 // Remove the stake info
 delete(userStake.StakeInfo, action.Stake)
 // Remove the user stake if there are no more stakes
 if len(userStake.StakeInfo) == 0 {
  delete(validator.UserStake, stakeOwner)
 return nil

9. emission/errors.go

We need to add some error definitions which were referenced on emission/emission.go. We can define these on emission/errors.go:

 ErrNotAValidatorOwner       = errors.New("not a validator owner")
 ErrUserNotStaked            = errors.New("user not staked")


We technically do not need to define any logic for our RPC API if all we want is for users to call this action we defined above however, if you want to add additional helper functions, we can define them easily via RPC API. An example could be if you wanted to define an RPC API to get the current user stake of the user or maybe you want to add an API to let validator owners to claim their rewards.

1. rpc/dependencies.go

Let's define the function definitions we want exposed to external users via our RPC API.

type Controller interface {
  GetUserStake(nodeID ids.NodeID, owner string) (*emission.UserStake, error)

2. controller/resolutions.go

Now, it's time to implement the functions we defined on rpc/dependencies.go.

func (c *Controller) GetUserStake(nodeID ids.NodeID, owner string) (*emission.UserStake, error) {
 return c.emission.GetUserStake(nodeID, owner), nil

3. emission/emission.go

Let's implement the function GetUserStake on our Emission Balancer.

func (e *Emission) GetUserStake(nodeID ids.NodeID, owner string) *UserStake {
 defer e.lock.RUnlock()

 validator, ok := e.validators[nodeID]
 if !ok {
  return &UserStake{}

 userStake, ok := validator.UserStake[owner]
 if !ok {
  return &UserStake{}
 return userStake

4. rpc/jsonrpc_client.go

We need to define a new function on our RPC Client so users can call this API via external tools like curl, POSTMAN, or third party applications. We can do this on rpc/jsonrpc_client.go:

func (cli *JSONRPCClient) UserStakeInfo(ctx context.Context, nodeID ids.NodeID, owner string) (*emission.UserStake, error) {
 resp := new(StakeReply)
 err := cli.requester.SendRequest(
   NodeID: nodeID,
   Owner:  owner,
 if err != nil {
  return &emission.UserStake{}, err
 return resp.UserStake, err

5. rpc/jsonrpc_server.go

We need to also define a corresponding function on our RPC server so whenever users interact with the API from their client, it talks to this server function which in turn calls the function defined in controller/resolutions.go. We can do this on rpc/jsonrpc_server.go:

func (j *JSONRPCServer) UserStakeInfo(req *http.Request, args *StakeArgs, reply *StakeReply) (err error) {
 _, span := j.c.Tracer().Start(req.Context(), "Server.UserStakeInfo")
 defer span.End()

 userStake, err := j.c.GetUserStake(args.NodeID, args.Owner)
 if err != nil {
  return err
 reply.UserStake = userStake
 return nil


In order to easily test the capability of our new action and our new RPC API, we can integrate them in our nuklai-cli tool. This is not needed but highly encouraged because often times, external users will interact with our VM and giving developers the option to test their new actions via a command line tool is paramount. Think of nuklai-cli as a third party application that lets developers quickly interact with different nuklaivm features such as the new action we defined above or the GetUserStake function we defined above.

1. cmd/nuklai-cli/cmd/action.go

Let's define a new command to let users unstake their NAI tokens from the validator they have staked to in the past.

var unstakeValidatorCmd = &cobra.Command{
 Use: "unstake-validator",
 RunE: func(*cobra.Command, []string) error {
  ctx := context.Background()
  _, priv, factory, cli, bcli, ws, err := handler.DefaultActor()
  if err != nil {
   return err

  // Get current list of validators
  validators, err := bcli.Validators(ctx)
  if err != nil {
   return err
  if len(validators) == 0 {
   utils.Outf("{{red}}no validators{{/}}\n")
   return nil

  // Show validators to the user
  utils.Outf("{{cyan}}validators:{{/}} %d\n", len(validators))
  for i := 0; i < len(validators); i++ {
    "{{yellow}}%d:{{/}} NodeID=%s NodePublicKey=%s\n",
  // Select validator
  keyIndex, err := handler.Root().PromptChoice("validator to unstake from", len(validators))
  if err != nil {
   return err
  validatorChosen := validators[keyIndex]
  nodeID := validatorChosen.NodeID

  // Get stake info
  owner, err := codec.AddressBech32(consts.HRP, priv.Address)
  if err != nil {
   return err
  stake, err := bcli.UserStakeInfo(ctx, nodeID, owner)
  if err != nil {
   return err

  if len(stake.StakeInfo) == 0 {
   utils.Outf("{{red}}user is not staked to this validator{{/}}\n")
   return nil
  // Get current height
  _, currentHeight, _, err := cli.Accepted(ctx)
  if err != nil {
   return err
  // Make sure to iterate over the stake info map in the same order every time
  keys := make([]ids.ID, 0, len(stake.StakeInfo))
  for k := range stake.StakeInfo {
   keys = append(keys, k)
  // Sorting based on string representation
  sort.Slice(keys, func(i, j int) bool {
   return keys[i].String() < keys[j].String()

  // Show stake info to the user
  utils.Outf("{{cyan}}stake info:{{/}}\n")
  for index, txID := range keys {
   stakeInfo := stake.StakeInfo[txID]
    "{{yellow}}%d:{{/}} TxID=%s StakedAmount=%d StartLockUpHeight=%d CurrentHeight=%d\n",

  // Select the stake Id to unstake
  stakeIndex, err := handler.Root().PromptChoice("stake ID to unstake", len(stake.StakeInfo))
  if err != nil {
   return err
  stakeChosen := stake.StakeInfo[keys[stakeIndex]]
  stakeID := stakeChosen.TxID

  // Confirm action
  cont, err := handler.Root().PromptContinue()
  if !cont || err != nil {
   return err

  // Generate transaction
  _, _, err = sendAndWait(ctx, nil, &actions.UnstakeValidator{
   Stake:  stakeID,
   NodeID: nodeID.Bytes(),
  }, cli, bcli, ws, factory, true)
  return err

2. cmd/nuklai-cli/cmd/emission.go

Let's now define a new command to let users easily check their current stake on a chosen validator. We can do this on cmd/nuklai-cli/cmd/emission.go:

var emissionStakeCmd = &cobra.Command{
 Use: "user-stake-info",
 RunE: func(_ *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
  ctx := context.Background()

  // Get clients
  clients, err := handler.DefaultNuklaiVMJSONRPCClient(checkAllChains)
  if err != nil {
   return err

  // Get current list of validators
  validators, err := clients[0].Validators(ctx)
  if err != nil {
   return err
  if len(validators) == 0 {
   utils.Outf("{{red}}no validators{{/}}\n")
   return nil

  utils.Outf("{{cyan}}validators:{{/}} %d\n", len(validators))
  for i := 0; i < len(validators); i++ {
    "{{yellow}}%d:{{/}} NodeID=%s NodePublicKey=%s\n",
  // Select validator
  keyIndex, err := handler.Root().PromptChoice("choose validator whom you have staked to", len(validators))
  if err != nil {
   return err
  validatorChosen := validators[keyIndex]

  // Get the address to look up
  stakeOwner, err := handler.Root().PromptAddress("address to get staking info for")
  if err != nil {
   return err

  // Get user stake info
  _, err = handler.GetUserStake(ctx, clients[0], validatorChosen.NodeID, stakeOwner)
  if err != nil {
   return err

  return nil

3. cmd/nuklai-cli/cmd/root.go

We need to add these two new commands to root.go so it's available when users interact with nuklai-cli


4. cmd/nuklai-cli/cmd/handler.go

There is nothing left to do for our unstake validator action however, for the RPC API to get user stake, we need to define this function on handler.go so any other functions can call this function if need be. This is not needed but this is good practice so that multiple functions can reuse the same function.

func (*Handler) GetUserStake(ctx context.Context,
 cli *brpc.JSONRPCClient, nodeID ids.NodeID, owner codec.Address,
) (*emission.UserStake, error) {
 saddr, err := codec.AddressBech32(consts.HRP, owner)
 if err != nil {
  return nil, err
 userStake, err := cli.UserStakeInfo(ctx, nodeID, saddr)
 if err != nil {
  return nil, err

 if userStake.Owner == "" {
  utils.Outf("{{yellow}}user stake: {{/}} Not staked yet\n")
 } else {
   "{{yellow}}user stake: {{/}} Owner=%s StakedAmount=%d\n",

 index := 1
 for txID, stakeInfo := range userStake.StakeInfo {
   "{{yellow}}stake #%d:{{/}} TxID=%s Amount=%d StartLockUp=%d\n",
 return userStake, err

This basically prints the user stake to the screen. This is especially useful on our nuklai-cli because we can quickly call the RPC API for getting user stake this way.


That's it! Now, let's see this in action by building nuklai-cli and nuklaivm and running the vm in our subnet.

The following info is also available as part of the main in the repository.

1. Launch Subnet

The first step to running this demo is to launch your own nuklaivm Subnet. You can do so by running the following command from this location (may take a few minutes):


2. Build nuklai-cli

To make it easy to interact with the nuklaivm, we implemented the nuklai-cli. Next, you'll need to build this tool. You can use the following command:


3. Configure nuklai-cli

Next, you'll need to add the chains you created and the default key to the nuklai-cli. You can use the following commands from this location to do so:

./build/nuklai-cli key import ed25519

If the key is added correctly, you'll see the following log:

database: .nuklai-cli
imported address: created address: nuklai1qrzvk4zlwj9zsacqgtufx7zvapd3quufqpxk5rsdd4633m4wz2fdjss0gwx

Next, you'll need to store the URLs of the nodes running on your Subnet:

./build/nuklai-cli chain import-anr

If nuklai-cli is able to connect to ANR, it will emit the following logs:

database: .nuklai-cli
stored chainID: GgbXLiBzd8j98CkrcEfsf13sbCTfwonTVMuFKgVVu4GpDNwJF uri:
stored chainID: GgbXLiBzd8j98CkrcEfsf13sbCTfwonTVMuFKgVVu4GpDNwJF uri:
stored chainID: GgbXLiBzd8j98CkrcEfsf13sbCTfwonTVMuFKgVVu4GpDNwJF uri:
stored chainID: GgbXLiBzd8j98CkrcEfsf13sbCTfwonTVMuFKgVVu4GpDNwJF uri:
stored chainID: GgbXLiBzd8j98CkrcEfsf13sbCTfwonTVMuFKgVVu4GpDNwJF uri:

./build/nuklai-cli chain import-anr connects to the Avalanche Network Runner server running in the background and pulls the URIs of all nodes tracking each chain you created.

4. Stake to a validator

We can stake to a validator of our choice

./build/nuklai-cli action stake-validator

If successful, the output should be:

database: .nuklai-cli
address: nuklai1qrzvk4zlwj9zsacqgtufx7zvapd3quufqpxk5rsdd4633m4wz2fdjss0gwx
chainID: GgbXLiBzd8j98CkrcEfsf13sbCTfwonTVMuFKgVVu4GpDNwJF
validators: 5
0: NodeID=NodeID-wGVvYo7jBvtmnfUTaay2vcL8j8GJyokb NodePublicKey=rnp1CCGFvbni4bjFRFCJo7b3SxdnBIJ8qzOPPbB6HPR8VK8hvHaO37lZGNLJs30S
1: NodeID=NodeID-NuCwBadeuYbzntFJgBAS8Ut9pwo52XrT6 NodePublicKey=syBPqN0eU9nCBJDyFOVynneq/nia8lM0apG/DpboYtc7CJdm0hXlKGNZF5fwyjWp
2: NodeID=NodeID-3yxghtfwRdYcG69FjoxZrwjUkSXJAGhY9 NodePublicKey=kvFhrcEVW5Ooann3NaqqE2nANL/XS86AnCUFgrdyBQa2z+xAlCFcwuPHPDnvHyZp
3: NodeID=NodeID-6dvn9WTA4i7qG2pT3GKUXP46xa2SVY7Po NodePublicKey=oXMYzibvB7gHaGVAKVEB5z0+IFEPcWb0TxjrIz26p3eVjmaHkmKK41S64HDg8paD
4: NodeID=NodeID-423bGHFH5exxQfuNiRFUqxDquWD9svj6E NodePublicKey=rC9RaeHAUs4mSMw4YoAKBQaWecfrkLHEgKSq/JnfU2EnTXHjYuZu94aDQSTh1M7b
validator to stake to: 3
balance: 852999899.999972820 NAI
✔ Staked amount: 100█
End LockUp Height: 70
✔ continue (y/n): y█
✅ txID: EYnnHR9jtJvfAAE9UE5tkV9BDvajBhZ25YqJUD82LrRsJrZTo

5. Get user staking info

We can retrieve our staking info by passing in which validator we have staked to and the address to look up staking for using the new RPC API we defined as part of this exercise.

./build/nuklai-cli emission user-stake-info

If successful, the output should be:

database: .nuklai-cli
chainID: GgbXLiBzd8j98CkrcEfsf13sbCTfwonTVMuFKgVVu4GpDNwJF
validators: 5
0: NodeID=NodeID-NuCwBadeuYbzntFJgBAS8Ut9pwo52XrT6 NodePublicKey=syBPqN0eU9nCBJDyFOVynneq/nia8lM0apG/DpboYtc7CJdm0hXlKGNZF5fwyjWp
1: NodeID=NodeID-3yxghtfwRdYcG69FjoxZrwjUkSXJAGhY9 NodePublicKey=kvFhrcEVW5Ooann3NaqqE2nANL/XS86AnCUFgrdyBQa2z+xAlCFcwuPHPDnvHyZp
2: NodeID=NodeID-6dvn9WTA4i7qG2pT3GKUXP46xa2SVY7Po NodePublicKey=oXMYzibvB7gHaGVAKVEB5z0+IFEPcWb0TxjrIz26p3eVjmaHkmKK41S64HDg8paD
3: NodeID=NodeID-423bGHFH5exxQfuNiRFUqxDquWD9svj6E NodePublicKey=rC9RaeHAUs4mSMw4YoAKBQaWecfrkLHEgKSq/JnfU2EnTXHjYuZu94aDQSTh1M7b
4: NodeID=NodeID-wGVvYo7jBvtmnfUTaay2vcL8j8GJyokb NodePublicKey=rnp1CCGFvbni4bjFRFCJo7b3SxdnBIJ8qzOPPbB6HPR8VK8hvHaO37lZGNLJs30S
✔ choose validator whom you have staked to: 2█
address to get staking info for: nuklai1qrzvk4zlwj9zsacqgtufx7zvapd3quufqpxk5rsdd4633m4wz2fdjss0gwx
user stake:  Owner=nuklai1qrzvk4zlwj9zsacqgtufx7zvapd3quufqpxk5rsdd4633m4wz2fdjss0gwx StakedAmount=100000000000
stake #1: TxID=EYnnHR9jtJvfAAE9UE5tkV9BDvajBhZ25YqJUD82LrRsJrZTo Amount=100000000000 StartLockUp=53

6. Unstake from a validator

Let's first check the balance on our account:

./build/nuklai-cli key balance

Which should produce a result like:

database: .nuklai-cli
address: nuklai1qrzvk4zlwj9zsacqgtufx7zvapd3quufqpxk5rsdd4633m4wz2fdjss0gwx
chainID: GgbXLiBzd8j98CkrcEfsf13sbCTfwonTVMuFKgVVu4GpDNwJF
balance: 852999799.999945203 NAI

We can unstake specific stake from a chosen validator.

./build/nuklai-cli action unstake-validator

Which produces result:

database: .nuklai-cli
address: nuklai1qrzvk4zlwj9zsacqgtufx7zvapd3quufqpxk5rsdd4633m4wz2fdjss0gwx
chainID: GgbXLiBzd8j98CkrcEfsf13sbCTfwonTVMuFKgVVu4GpDNwJF
validators: 5
0: NodeID=NodeID-wGVvYo7jBvtmnfUTaay2vcL8j8GJyokb NodePublicKey=rnp1CCGFvbni4bjFRFCJo7b3SxdnBIJ8qzOPPbB6HPR8VK8hvHaO37lZGNLJs30S
1: NodeID=NodeID-NuCwBadeuYbzntFJgBAS8Ut9pwo52XrT6 NodePublicKey=syBPqN0eU9nCBJDyFOVynneq/nia8lM0apG/DpboYtc7CJdm0hXlKGNZF5fwyjWp
2: NodeID=NodeID-3yxghtfwRdYcG69FjoxZrwjUkSXJAGhY9 NodePublicKey=kvFhrcEVW5Ooann3NaqqE2nANL/XS86AnCUFgrdyBQa2z+xAlCFcwuPHPDnvHyZp
3: NodeID=NodeID-6dvn9WTA4i7qG2pT3GKUXP46xa2SVY7Po NodePublicKey=oXMYzibvB7gHaGVAKVEB5z0+IFEPcWb0TxjrIz26p3eVjmaHkmKK41S64HDg8paD
4: NodeID=NodeID-423bGHFH5exxQfuNiRFUqxDquWD9svj6E NodePublicKey=rC9RaeHAUs4mSMw4YoAKBQaWecfrkLHEgKSq/JnfU2EnTXHjYuZu94aDQSTh1M7b
validator to unstake from: 3
stake info:
0: TxID=EYnnHR9jtJvfAAE9UE5tkV9BDvajBhZ25YqJUD82LrRsJrZTo StakedAmount=100000000000 StartLockUpHeight=53 CurrentHeight=200
stake ID to unstake: 0 [auto-selected]
continue (y/n): y
✅ txID: 2eSkTRQa4KqHDXidoeoQ8XSsjeSbga3x5B52hetwhGw68enbHt

Now, if we check the balance again, we should have our 100 NAI back to our account:

./build/nuklai-cli key balance

Which should produce a result like:

database: .nuklai-cli
address: nuklai1qrzvk4zlwj9zsacqgtufx7zvapd3quufqpxk5rsdd4633m4wz2fdjss0gwx
chainID: GgbXLiBzd8j98CkrcEfsf13sbCTfwonTVMuFKgVVu4GpDNwJF
balance: 852999899.999896407 NAI

Last updated